DJ Eddie Martinez :: Pool Side at Sand Blast

JC Alvarez READ TIME: 5 MIN.

Summer is in full swing! With the wave of PRIDE still crashing across the East Coast and the Supreme Court's decision raising the celebration stakes to new levels...we're guaranteeing the party scene is just starting to heat up! Every DJ lives for working the season's hottest parties, and one of the most sought after DJs on the circuit right now is getting set to blow the barometer -�as well as the speakers -�poolside at Asbury Park's Sand Blast Weekend.

DJ Eddie Martinez is more than just a sexy bit of rhythmic bliss on the club dance floor. He's solidified himself as an international sensation playing some of the most exotic locations across the globe. Martinez is also a remix producer and the mastermind behind his own music label Stimulus Recordings. He's bringing his own unique brand of Progressive House with a tribal flare to the Riptide Pool Party on Sunday, July 21st.

With a weekend on the Jersey Shore featuring the most incredible DJ talent on any bill -�joining DJ Eddie Martinez will be Saturday "Beach Party" headliners Tony Moran and Hector Fonseca -�Sand Blast Weekend promises to deliver on the hottest boys, blankets and beats of 2013. The Riptide Pool Party is always the event's signature tea party and draws out all the revelers for one final hurrah!

EDGE caught up with DJ Eddie Martinez to get the lowdown on his upcoming Sand Blast debut.

EDGE: So with summer coming into full swing you've landed one of the most coveted gigs of the season. Are you looking forward to hitting Asbury Park's Sand Blast�Weekend and headlining the poolside event?

DJ EDDIE MARTINEZ: I am very very excited to be a part of this year's Sand Blast Weekend playing at the Riptide Pool Party will be a blast!�

EDGE: Have you ever played the Jersey Shore before? Will this be your first time?

DJ EM: This will be my first time at Sand Blast. I've known for many years that everyone heads over to Asbury Park for Sand Blast Weekend

EDGE: What makes this particularly gig so special? Do you have a particular connection�to New Jersey or Asbury Park in particular?�

DJ EM: What else could be more fun then playing a pool party in the middle of the summer at a beautiful destination with a hot crowd?

EDGE: This year's DJ line-up is a Who's Who of�top tier talent!

DJ EM: Yes...I agree -�this year the line up is pretty great!

EDGE: What will the attendees at the event have to look forward to?

DJ EM: Some fun in the sun! What more could you want from a pool party?!

EDGE: You've played the international circuit scene, hitting exotic locations all over the�world. How is playing a day party different from, say an evening event in Brazil or�New Year's Eve?

DJ EM: Although the energy is somewhat different, they are very similar -�people are still in the same mind set about having a good time.

EDGE: You've come a long way since first being profiled by for EDGE as one of the country's 'up-and-coming' DJs. What's been�the greatest event of the past year -�the best party you've attended?

DJ EM: This is true. it feels like it has been a while -�since that last interview! That's hard to say -�there have already been a lot of great moments, but if I would have to choose it would have to be between VIVA in NYC or Sanctuary in San Francisco.�

Keep the Beat Alive

Among his greatest influences, DJ Eddie Martinez counts the legendary Peter Rauhofer, who was also his mentor. The two worked closely together, and Rauhofer had a significant affect on Eddie and his career.

EDGE: This has also been a very difficult year. Your mentor Peter Rauhofer passed�away and now there's a void in nightlife. How are you, and how did you hear�of his passing? He left such a legacy - which you will be a part of - how do you�intend to celebrate his memory from here on?

DJ EM: It has been very difficult. I lost a friend -�someone whom I used to speak with almost everyday.�There definitely is a void. Peter set the bar -�he was one of a kind.�Peter's music will live on forever. He has made classics that will live on forever, and his spirit will always live through his music and his fans.

EDGE: For any of us living in the scene, it's become evident that club land is changing�once again. How has music changed especially for this particular season, and�how do you feel about the direction music is going in?

DJ EM: The music is more commercial remixes -�mixing with a few underground tracks. Back in the day it was all underground tracks and mixes -�you would go out to hear something different.�Now with EDM taking over, people expect to hear all of their favorite songs & remixes when they are out, but it's an ever changing thing. Things always come full circle so I'm sure we will get back to that once EDM fizzles out in the next few years.�

Parting Words

EDGE: As a music producer and label mogul yourself how is the changing music scene�influencing your search for new artists and the music you are producing? Are you�working with anyone we should be keeping a close eye on?

DJ EM: I love looking for new artists and working with new creative energies. It's fresh! It's exciting! Nowadays everyone thinks they can sing or thinks Auto-Tune makes you a performer.�You should definitely keep an eye out for the new artist Axel Jordan. His debut single "Release You" is about to blow up and is being played all around the US. His album will drop later this summer. He's very talented and will be big! I remixed his single, and it will be out soon.�

EDGE: Very exciting! What's next for you after Sand Blast? How is your summer -�and fall - shaping up?�Will you be working with anyone that you're looking forward to spinning with?

DJ EM: My summer is pretty amazing this year! I am so very grateful to be doing what I love and playing at such great events. After Sand Blast some of my scheduled events will be in Montreal, LA, Denver, NYC, and Chicago.

by JC Alvarez

Native New Yorker JC Alvarez is a pop-culture enthusiast and the nightlife chronicler of the club scene and its celebrity denizens from coast-to-coast. He is the on-air host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Out Loud & Live!" and is also on the panel of the local-access talk show "Talking About".

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