Senator Tammy Baldwin Issues Statement on Wisconsin Marriage Decision


Washington D.C. - U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin issued a statement regarding the Federal Court Decision on Marriage Equality in Wisconsin.

"Love is love, family is family, and discriminating against anyone's love, against anyone's family, is just plain wrong. Wisconsin can proudly say that discrimination doesn't just violate our values - it violates our Constitution. And now we can proudly say that marriage equality will be the law of the land in Wisconsin.

"This federal court decision reaffirms our founding belief that all Americans are created equal under the law. It's about fairness - about whether gay and lesbian Americans deserve to be treated just like their family members, their friends, and their neighbors. It's about opportunity - about whether every American gets to dream the same dreams, chase the same ambitions, and have the same shot at success. And it's about freedom - the freedom to love, the freedom to commit, the freedom to build a family.

"One year ago this month, the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions in two historic cases that reflected the progress we have all witnessed across our country. The nation's highest court made a strong statement for equality and freedom, overturning discrimination against gay and lesbian American citizens simply because of whom they love. Wisconsin is now the twelfth state to see a marriage ban struck down in federal court since the U.S. Supreme Court decision last June. In Wisconsin, we believe that we owe it to the next generation to give them a Wisconsin that is more equal, not less equal, so I am disappointed that Governor Walker supports defending discrimination in court and standing in the way of freedom, fairness and equality for all Wisconsinites.

"We believe that history only moves in one direction: Forward. It's our state motto and this is a huge step forward for Wisconsin being a place where every family's love and commitment can be recognized and respected under the law."

An online version of this release can be found here.


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