Huckabee Claims 'Snotty Sophisticates' Ridicule the Duggars


This is what happens when a book gets written on "opposite day."

Considering that the Duggar clan of TLC's hit reality series "19 Kids and Counting" have all been educated by their mother inside their gated compound, it would seem logical that they've all been spared being the targets of neighborhood or schoolyard bullies. According to former Arkansas Governor, recently departed Fox News personality and presumptive 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee, that's not so, Radar Online reports.

Despite having a long history of campaigning for anti-gay candidates, appearing at rallies sponsored by the SPLC-designated hate group that employs the brood's eldest, and successfully campaigning to have a local anti-discrimination ordinance overturned, Mike Huckabee feels the need to rush to the defense of the 21 member celebrity family whom he claims are being "bullied."


In his soon to be released book "God, Guns, Grits and Gravy," the conservative politician claims that the Duggars, "have endured relentless and vicious ridicule from the snobby and snotty sophisticates."

Huckabee claims the the purported bullies "exemplify their own jealousy of how well-behaved the Duggar kids are compared to the little hellions and yuppie larvae created by the critics of the Duggars."

"Yuppie larvae?" Them's fightin' words!

"Let me introduce you to the land and the people for whom God, guns, grits and gravy all make perfect sense," Huckabee writes on the outside jacket of his soon to be released tome. "After you finish this book, you might just say, "Dang, those good ol' boys ain't so dumb after all."

According to press notes, in "God, Guns, Grits and Gravy," Huckabee explores: "Government bailouts, politician pig-outs, and popular culture provocations from Jay Z and Beyonc� to Honey Boo-Boo to the Duck Dynasty's Robertson family.�Gun rights, gay marriage, the decline of patriotism, and the mainstream media's contempt for those who cherish a faith-based life."�

In 2008, when the Duggar's only had "17 Kids and Counting" the famous couple endorsed Huckabee during his failed presidential run. In 2012, the Duggar's supported the candidacy of anti-gay stalwart Rick Santorum, who, according to the Huffington Post, Jim-Bob Duggar said "You're not going to find the perfect candidate unless it's Jesus Christ."


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