15 Sexy Snaps to Take Your Mind off Election Results for Just a Moment
Lil Nas X, Fabian Divani, @luisdiculous, and Malik Delgaty Source: Instagram

15 Sexy Snaps to Take Your Mind off Election Results for Just a Moment


For many LGBTQ people (unless you're a "normal gay guy"), the 2024 presidential election was likely a disappointment at best. With the uncertainty that comes with a second presidential term with Donald Trump, many queer people rightfully have high anxiety at the moment. Some are looking for ways to escape the current moment and if scrolling through thirst traps is your thing – we've got you covered!

We've rounded up a handful of thirst traps that will hopefully distract you for a few minutes and help forget the news for a moment.

Take a look below and enjoy!

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