Ooooh Snap!: Man Breaks Penis During Sex and Hears It


In case you ever wondered what the worst thing to hear during sex outside of your mother entering the room, here it is:

The Daily Mail reports a Boston man fractured his penis by inadvertently colliding his erect member into his partner's perineum (the area in front of the anus commonly referred to as "the taint") during sex.

Here's the really awful part: He actually heard it snap, after which, he noticed a rush of blood from his urethra followed by swelling and intense pain.

He was rushed to the emergency room at a nearby hospital where he was taken to surgery for emergency repair.

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the penile "fracture" refers to a tear in the tunica albuginea, the watertight fibrous outer sheath of the corpora cavernosa that is responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of an erection.

The story has a happy ending. Dr. Robert J. Hartman, Jr. MD of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, who filed the NEJM report, said that six months after surgery, the patient had regained erectile function.


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